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Have you ever walked into an SME like any other visitor in India? The gatekeeper will typically ask you to inform him who you want to meet before asking you to identify yourself and claim other information in a visitor's book or on a piece of paper that would need a signature of the person you are meeting. As you are leaving, you might discover that you neglected to have it signed, or have possibly lost that small piece of paper . The gateman then exchanges looks with you as you are exiting the building. What do you have to say of this welcome or send off you received at the company's premise? Are you providing the same first impression of your company to your visitors?

First impression must be accurate because getting into people’s minds and correcting erroneous viewpoint is impossible.

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu in Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Vizitus is a compact and stylish application that can cleverly turn this experience around. You did indeed guess correctly! It is an app, but the same package also includes a web version. Your guests are respectfully greeted at the gate without any issues. When it comes to accommodating the diverse preferences of its users, Vizitus is incredibly adaptable. You might wish to adapt liberal policies towards your visitors or you might want to be a bit cautious. You can configure it to meed your demands whenever you feel like. You might only receive a few visitors, or you might be a doctor seeing 100 patients each day.Whether you are a company with a thousand employees or only two partners in a legal firm, it suits your demands perfectly.

It may be meeting a minor need, but the impression you make on your network of business contacts is significantly altered. Giving your guests a good first impression is what Vizitus is designed to do.